A New Forum will be Up Soon

This site is only a temporary place for us to regroup. It is not in a forum format.

Since there seems to be considerable interest in having a new home for us, we are working on putting a forum up.

Update (Sunday January 31): The new forum is shaping up very nicely.

February 1, 2016:

Consistent Conservatives, come and join us at conservativecircle.org.

As mentioned before, the membership is required to post. We don’t want any trouble makers to follow us into our new Circle.

All the other posts and pages at Consistent Conservatives WordPress site will be closed for commenting, except the one for the caucus discussion.

30 thoughts on “A New Forum will be Up Soon

  1. Just got a super well done email from the Ted Cruz Campaign. It is a video with Ted speaking, and there’s a nice picture of him as well. But what is the absolute greatest is that as he speaks, his words roll on the video. Since I cannot hear, this is an awesome way to reach out to the deaf community and seniors with hearing impairment. Very well done!! I hope people will contribute to his campaign.


  2. Thank you!! Only recently (duh!!) figured out that the arrows on either side will move you forward or reverse to read the entire thread in order. FR’s great strength is its fabulous format, easy to browse, easy to organize, etc.


  3. “Since the “bad guys” are eager to attack the new forum, we are planning to use a nominal subscription fee (about $2.50 per week) to deter them from joining.”

    I personally think this is a bad idea.

    Moderation is how you keep it cleaned up, fund it through ads or donations.
    If you make it so that folks have to pay to play, your discussion will be much less engaged.


  4. Hey CC, I don’t want to sound like a jerk here, but is the site going to be in Word Press format? I don’t think WordPress would be the best place to host a forum. jmo. Thanks for all you do.


  5. It’s possible that the forum will be launched before the caucus.

    Since the “bad guys” are eager to attack the new forum, we are planning to use a nominal subscription fee (about $2.50 per week) to deter them from joining. This will help cover only some of the expenses. Additional donations will be needed and appreciated.


  6. I understand these things cannot be rushed but I would still ask if you think this new site will be up prior to the IA Caucus (yeah I know it is a selfish request but I kind of feel like a kid before Christmas)
    I would be more than happy to redirect my budgeted FR donations here, I also think Ads would be fine as long as they are not all intrusive or restrictive to free movement throughout the site,

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Regarding Iowa polls: Ann Seltzer (runs the Des Moines Register poll) acurately predicted the turnout surge for Obama in 2008. Everyone told her she was insane and using ridiculous methodology. They were eating their words after the caucus.
    She did miss the Santorum prediction, but got the Ernst (Senate 2014) numbers right and she was right on turnout numbers for 2012 and for the 2014 vote.

    Why am I bringing this up? Because Seltzer doesn’t have Trump with large turnout of new voters this year. Seltzer has Cruz winning by 3% points.

    Also, Steve King will be traveling with Cruz for these last few days. He’s VERY influential in Iowa politics, far more than Gov. Branstad, or Sarah Palin.


  8. I am bookmarking this site looking forward to an alternative to freerepublic. I would like to see a site that allows announcements of activity in support of conservatives whether in elections or supporting people who are being attacked or are pushing back against the leftist domination of our culture. Freerepublic used to do that but now it is just posting one-liners.


  9. With great anticipation I am looking forward to your endeavor, consistent constitutional conservatives are thinkers who employ common sense, reason and logic which is the same fabric woven throughout our founding documents, we need at least one like minded place to go where we can be energized together while in the midst of battle with liberals and single issue so-called conservatives.


  10. I’d sure love to read all 300-some-odd comments on your original posting, but for the life of me cannot figure out how to see or read them. All I can see are posts I’ve already read, both “older comments” and “newer comments.” Got any tips??


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